Secure USB debugging in Android 4.2.2

It seems we somehow managed to let two months slip by without a single post. Time to get back on track, and the recently unveiled Android maintenance release provides a nice opportunity to jump start things. Official release notes for Android 4.2.2 don't seem to be available at this time, but it made its way into AOSP quite promptly, so you can easily compile your own changelog based on git log messages. Or, you can simply check the now traditional one over at Funky Android . As you can see, there are quite a few changes, and if you want a higher level overview your time would probably be better spent reading some of the related posts by the usual suspects . Deviating from our usually somewhat obscure topics, we will focus on a new security feature that is quite visible and has received a fair bit of attention already. It was even introduced on the official Android Developers Blog , fortunately for us only in brief. As usual, we like to dig a little deeper, so if you are interes...